Addressing the Surge: Strategies for Mental Health Professionals in the Post-Pandemic Era, Including Telehealth and Billing Insights
As mental health professionals navigate the challenges of the post-pandemic era, addressing the surge in demand for services requires innovative strategies and adaptability. In thi
Breaking Barriers: Telemedicine’s Impact on Access to Mental Health Therapy and Understanding In-Network vs. Out-of-Network Coverage
Telemedicine has revolutionized the landscape of mental health therapy, breaking down barriers to access and transforming the way providers deliver care. In today’s digital a
Navigating the Future of Mental Health: Exploring Emerging Trends, Telehealth Innovations, and Insurance Considerations
As mental health professionals look to the future, it’s essential to stay informed about emerging trends, innovations in telehealth, and considerations related to insurance c
The Future of Mental Health Billing: Trends and Innovations 2023
The landscape of mental health billing is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by a confluence of emerging trends and innovative technologies. As MCMSouth, a prominent prov
What is Telehealth
Telehealth refers to the delivery of healthcare services and information via telecommunications technology, such as video conferencing, remote monitoring, and electronic communicat
“Allowed” amount or rate when submitting claims to insurance
“Allowed” amount or rate is defined as the maximum amount insurance will pay for a covered service code. Based on the patient’s insurance policy, it will determine who pa